Age Verification
Age Verification
Why do Puff Daddie need to verify your age?
It is illegal to sell electronic cigarettes and any vapour product that contain or can be used to deliver nicotine to all individuals under the age of 18. This includes 0mg liquids, tanks, coils and other vaping required.
Therefore, anyone placing an order with Puff Daddie you must be over the age of 18. By making a purchase with Puff Daddie, you are agreeing to allow us to confirm your age with Age Checked verification.
How do we verify your age?
When creating an account or placing an order with Puff Daddie we will request your full name, billing address and date of birth. This must be entered as it would appear on your driver’s license, electoral roll or used for a UK credit card. This information must be entered correctly as we will use it to verify your age before delivering any goods.
To securely verify your age Puff Daddie will use AgeChecked services to verify your age. Where you have asked us to provide an age restricted product or service, you consent to allow us to share your information with, and collect information from, AgeChecked and third-party providers of identity data to AgeChecked. We may from time to time try to reverify your age.
This consent is necessary for Agechecked to verify that you meet the minimum age and identity verification requirements as determined by relevant UK age restriction legislation.
You consent to allow AgeChecked to retain relevant data for the purpose of future verification. All data processed by AgeChecked is subject to appropriate security measures. Data retained by Agechecked is subject to periodic review to ensure it is not held for longer than necessary.
Agechecked - Age Verification
How does it work?
If you are placing your first order with Puff Daddie, we will run an age verification check against the data you have provided in the background. In 99% of cases this is successful first time, however if this check fails you will be emailed a verification link so that you can provide more information to ensure a successful verification , this will include the options below.
Credit Card
Electoral Roll
Drivers License
Once you have been successfully verified you will not be required to take this action again on future orders.